Генератор 14v-140a на Skoda Шкода Fabia, Rapid Spaceback, Roomster, Audi A1, A3, Seat Altea, Ibiza
| Додано: 10 січня 2022, номер: 134803
Генератор на VW, Audi, Skoda.
подходит на модели:
audi A1 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZA 8X1 2010 - 2015 AMP: 140volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulleypulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6
audi A1 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZA Sportback 8XA 2012 - 2015 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
audi A3 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZB 8P1 2010 - 2012 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
audi A3 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZB 8P7 2010 - 2013 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
audi A3 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZB Sportback 8PA 2010 - 2013 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
seat Altea 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZB 5P1 2010 - AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
seat Altea XL 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZB 5P5 2010 - AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6
seat Ibiza 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZB IV 6J5 2010 - 2012 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6
seat Ibiza 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZA IV 6J5 2012 - 2015 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
seat Ibiza SC 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZA IV Sportcoupe 6J1 2012 - 2015 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
seat Ibiza SC 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZB IV Sportcoupe 6J1 2010 - 2015 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
seat Ibiza SC 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZB IV Sportcoupe 6J1 2010 - 2015 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
seat Ibiza ST 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZB IV 6J8 2010 - 2015 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
seat Ibiza ST 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZA IV 6J8 2012 - 2015 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
seat Leon 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZB 1P1 2010 - 2013 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6
seat Toledo 1.2 (1197ccm) Petrol CBZA IV KG3 2012 - 2015 AMP: 140 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 49, 0mm Pulley Grooves: 6 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with start-stop function
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