Чорний товстолистовий прокат (6-150мм)

Одесса | Добавлено: 4 августа 2020, номер: 37619
    UKREXPORT LTD paves direct access to Ukraine’s productions of heavy or thick Steel Plates & Sheets, hot-rolled in broad variety of grades and dimensions. Thickness to be within 6-150mm, width within 1,500-3,600mm, length within 6,000-24,000mm. Main application fields include 1) general purpose plates (plain carbon steel, constructional steel, deoxidized steel, alloyed steel, unalloyed steel, cold-resistant steel); 2) plates for shipbuilding industry (deoxidized steel normal strength, carbon steel normal strength, carbon steel heightened strength); 3) plates for high-pressure boilers and tanks (plain carbon steel, lower quality alloyed steel); 4) plates for spring applications (quality constructional steel, higher quality alloyed steel).
    Manufactured according to both domestic and international standards as following:
    -- Ukraine Register of Shipping
    -- Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
    -- American Bureau of Shipping
    -- Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
    -- Bureau Veritas (BV)
    -- Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
    -- Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
    -- Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR)
    -- Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Class NK)
    -- Steel plate according to American standards ASTM/ASME
    -- Аccording to European standards EN/DIN
    -- Аccording to the standards of other countries SAE CSA JIS IRA
    Regulated by general State Standards DSTU 8540:2015 (including GOST 5520-79, GOST 10885-85, GOST 27772-88, GOST 14637-89, GOST 19281-89, GOST 6713-91, GOST 5521-93, GOST 1577-93) and specific Technical Conditions ТU 14-1-1921-76, ТU 14-1-3978-85, ТU 14-1-5293-95, ТU 14-1-3636-96, ТU 14-1-4034-96, ТU 14-1-5346-97, ТU 14-1-1950-2004; and rolled into groups of dimensions preceding from thickness value (mm):
    6-20; width 1500-2700(3200); length 6000-12200(24000)
    6-40; width 1500-2700(3200); length 6000-12200(24000)
    6-50; width 1500-2700(3200); length 6000-12200(24000)
    6-100; width 1500-3200(3200); length 6000-12200(24000)
    10-100; width 1500-3200(3600); length 6000-12200(24000)
    10-150; width 1500-3200(3600); length 6000-12200(24000)
    61-150; width 1500(2000)-3600; length 6000-12200(24000)
    101-150; width 1500(2000)-3600; length 6000-12200(24000)
    Minimal order quantity is 1,000mt because this is minimal capacity of a single blast furnace where requested steel grade for requested Steel Sheet or Plate is to be smelted. It is often delivered in 20ft/40ft containers, since bulk vessels don’t always have decks good for placing bundles of Flat Steel. Please note, any original production of HR Sheets/Plates is factory approvable but not publicly accessible process. True inquiry for particular production/offer/price has to show authentic information: 1) who (what company) is buyer/importer/consignee; 2) where (what bank) his payment is to come from; 3) how (in copies of docs) he bought/imported/consumed HR Steel last time, to prove 1) and 2). Visit Ukrexport(dot)Ltd.
    As provided by National Classifier of Ukraine DK 009:2010
    "Classification of Types of Economic Activity" (KVED):
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