Генератор 14V-125A на Renault Рено Kangoo, Clio II 1.5 dCi, Nissan Micra

Калита | Добавлено: 21 декабря 2021, номер: 134179
  • Состояние: Новый 
Генератор на Renault, Nissan.
Подходит на модели:DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K790 LS0J 2005 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K792 LS0K 2006 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K796 LS0W 2007 - 2011 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K792 FS0K 2007 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K792 US0K 2008 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K796 US0W 2008 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K796 FS0W 2009 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K892 FS04 2010 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K892 FS1L 2010 - 2013 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K892 LS1L 2010 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K892 LS04 2010 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K892 US04 2010 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K892 US1L 2010 - 2013 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan MCV 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K792 KS0K 2006 - 2013 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with automatic climate control 
DACIA Logan MCV 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K796 KS0W 2007 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with automatic climate control
DACIA Logan MCV 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K892 KS04 2010 - 2013 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Logan MCV 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K892 KS1L 2010 - 2013 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5 Vehicle Equip.: for vehicles with automatic climate control
DACIA Sandero 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K790 BS00/BS0J/BS0Y 2008 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
DACIA Sandero 1.5 (1461ccm) Diesel K9K796 BS0W 2008 - 2012 AMP: 125 Volt: for vehicles with 12V main current Pulley Type: with freewheel belt pulley Pulley Dia.: 54,0mm Pulley Grooves: 5
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